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VNC Automotive selected as Proactive Partner member of Renesas R-Car Consortium

VNC Automotive selected as Proactive Partner member of Renesas R-Car Consortium

VNC Automotive, an innovator in the connected car and telematics sectors, has been selected as a member of Renesas’ R-Car Consortium Proactive Partner Program. The appointment builds on VNC Automotive’s existing relationship with the consortium and recognises their achievements in the software integration and In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) fields.

Webinar: Media aggregation for IVI systems

Webinar: Media aggregation for IVI systems

Consumer media consumption is higher than ever, only accelerated by recent global lockdown and stay at home measures. Together with private vehicle registrations bouncing back and the promise of autonomous vehicles enabling drivers to focus on activities other than driving, is this the perfect time to address the in-vehicle experience? Takeshi Kanemoto thinks so.