Our list of registered patents
Title | Country | Official No. | Status |
Scheduling with Priority Manipulation | Germany | 602012029833.2 | Validation completed |
Scheduling with Priority Manipulation | France | 2715518 | Validation completed |
Scheduling with Priority Manipulation | United Kingdom | 2715518 | Validation completed |
Scheduling with Priority Manipulation | Japan | 5957519 | Granted / Registered |
Scheduling with Priority Manipulation | United States of America | 9572017 | Granted / Registered |
Wireless MirrorLink Adapter | China | 201880050588.8 | Granted / Registered |
Wireless MirrorLink Adapter | Spain | 3662366 | Validation pending |
Wireless MirrorLink Adapter | United Kingdom | 2565282 | Granted / Registered |
Wireless MirrorLink Adapter | Ireland | 3662366 | Validation pending |
Wireless MirrorLink Adapter | Japan | 7024980 | Granted / Registered |
Wireless MirrorLink Adapter | Unitary Patent | 3662366 | Validation completed |
Wireless MirrorLink Adapter | United States of America | 11251972 | Granted / Registered |